What is Certificate of Merit?
Certificate of Merit is one of the state’s largest and most prestigious programs dating back to 1933. Almost 30,000 students enroll statewide in this MTAC program. I am one of the adjudicators for the Northern California area and have had students involved in this program since 1972.
While many students desire the challenge of preparing for a Certificate of Merit, many do not. This program demands serious practice and dedication. In my studio, the option to participate is always there, but it is the choice of the student and not a requirement.
Goals of Certificate of Merit
- To provide a systematic and comprehensive plan to develop performance skill, technique, ear-training and sight-reading skills, and understanding of music theory.
- To provide practical goals to help students maintain a steady and focused appreciation of their musical studies.
- To encourage students to strive for musical excellence.
- To create opportunities in which students may share their music.
Student Opportunities
- Annual evaluation covering performance, technique, ear training, sight reading, and written theory
- Annual Certificate for passing all phases of the attempted level
- Senior Medallions for graduating seniors who qualify
- Branch honors recognition and Convention program performances
- Convention Honors programs for Advanced-Panel students: Panel Honors Recitals, Master Classes and Young Artist’s Guild.
Certificate of Merit Advanced Level Students
MTAC Convention Festival Winners